Valuable experience in Kiaracondong Station

In the end of September 2018 I come to Bandung, and I stopped in Kiaracondong Station. Kiaracondong Station is one of Station on Bandung. Kiaracondong usually people say "kircon" is Kiaracondong Station. Kiaracondong is the second largest train station in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.  Kiaracondong located in Kiaracondong district. The station was near Ibrahim Adjie street (kiaracondong street).
Need you to know,  Kiaracondong station only serve economy class passenger train to east side of Bandung, West Java, Indonesia.
When I arrived Kiaracondong station,  early evening. I was pray and went to next trips.
I went out from the station I got my valuable experience. What is its? Oke,  I would told you my valuable experience when I was in Kiaracondong Station.
the experience is related to the teachings of parents when I was a child. My parents say to me that now you was a boy, but next time you are going to be adults. You have to help people who need your help.
In this time, I saw two people, women in trouble with their rice bag. Nobody help them. They walked to the exit of the station and suddenly there was a man unknown to them who offered help to bring their rice bags. I immediately remembered the words of parents.
I was think, the man was real superman.

This is maps of Kiaracondong Station 


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