Cool City of Bandung in the Future with Bandung planning gallery
Bandung Planning Gallery for me is like a time tunnel that leads me to the future from the city of Bandung. The first time I entered the Bandung Planning Gallery, I was greeted by the receptionist and directed me to register and fill in my identity on a computer that had been provided. Though usually when going to the museum and the like just fill the visit book and hand written. That's when I was confused and surprised. But calm the receptionist will direct.

After finishing from there, it's true that I was shown starting from my left. The place for me is current, cool. If you are interested in going to the Bandung Planning Gallery, the address is on Jalan Aceh 36, Bandung. The place is adjacent to the mayor's building in Bandung. West of it is the Al-Ukhuwwah Great Mosque, Bandung. In the north there is the Bandung museum but in October 2018 it is still under repair. From the outside there is a garden and there is the inscription "History of Bandung in Era Wiranatakusumah". Nahh in the building is the Bandung Planning Gallery. Just enter through a mirror-like glass door.

After entering I was confused inside because it only showed a video screen without sound and some pictures. It turned out that after reading the guide brochure I needed to install the application. Well, I suggest you first install the Bandung Planning Gallery application on a smartphone. Incidentally, I haven't installed it yet, the loss seems to be. Various images of the past and the future development plans of Bandung are shown there. Through the BPG app just scan the existing QR code on the screen and listen to it using earphones.

Oh yeah. Besides that, there is Augmented Reality in Bandung. It is also located on the left side. On the touch screen you are given several questions and the results obtained illustrate how our profession in Bandung is even. The results are in the form of our photos with professional clothes in Baheula Bandung. Just check on the Bandung Planning Gallery facebook page.
There is also Virtual Reality there, when it is still empty, visitors can try VR, with VR I feel I'm riding on the running LRT. It's cool. After that, it was treated to a model of downtown Bandung with an interactive LED installation.

After seeing the model of the city center of Bandung, my eyes were drawn to a half-ball dome that hung on the ceiling of the western corner. The interior is bright and colorful. From the eyes down to the feet. Feet stepping there closer. It turned out that it was a collection of visitors' aspirations that were taped into a half-ball shaped dome. From the ones that contain suggestions and criticism until the message running a mate is also there, read amused to smile.

After I toured the BPG, I understood why Mr. Ir. Soekarno said "dreams as high as the skies, even if you are falling, you will be among the stars." It turned out that BPG was a dream of the future of Bandung city to overcome the problems there.

That is my experience traveling to the city of Bandung and visiting the Bandung Planning Gallery. Don't forget before coming, you should install the Bandung Planning Gallery App.

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