The History about Indonesian Pos Museum
Indonesian post museum has been established in 1931 under
the name of PPT museum (Telephone, and telegraph post). Location in central
office pos Indonesia the path of Cilaki Number 73 Bandung 40115. Since
establishment, the museum has been opened not only intended for postal
employees only but also open to the general public with a dish while it is only
in domestic but also foreign stamps are presented in order to show off the
museum’s collection chamber.
On the day of “Bhakti
Postel 38th “ , 27th September 1983. The museum PPT
change its name matches the name of the company that is The Museum Postal Inaugurated
by Minister Propastel Mr Ahmad Tahir. Then the collection is provided into 3
type collections of philately and the collections of history, a collection of
postal equipment. The third type of collection is presented on museum
exhibition room as a form of governance in maintaining and preserving cultural
heritage in the Indonesian postal service. Other than that expected by the
presentation of its collections Indonesian post museum be able to function as a
center of education. Information and recreation for the younger generation in
the present or in the future.
Gold letter kings (the golden letter), mini
space “Mas Soeharto”, mockups of the post office building Dili East Timor,
photographs leadership of the company, an award plaque, and the history of the
Universal Postal Union, etc.
How many collection in Indonesian Pos Museum?
Historical Collections

Philately Collections
The penny black stamps was first used in
the world (6 May 1840) king William III was first used stamps in Indonesian
(1864). Sir Rowland Hill (originator of stamps). Indonesia by year of
publication stamps and stamps of various countries based on a variety of
philatelic country. maps of various countries and so forth.
Collection Equipment
Collection presented is the equipment that
was used both in the colonial and post-independence era. Such as for the collection
Netherland Letter Bus, manual type writer, hammer stamp, and post bike Falter
brand, etc.
What the else from Indonesian Post Museum?
Museum exhibition space consist of two floors
The Social Space Center
This room is a room that is used to provide
the knowledge and experience to the community. In this room the visitors were
given the opportunity to conduct the correspondence because this room is also a
post office that can perform direct services and also as a center of the
development of socio –culture field of postal services. Expected by the social
center of this room the public can obtain more value from a visit to the
Indonesian Pos Museum.
Basement Room
This is a room that is used to present the
museum collections, philately, history and collection equipment. Besides that
at even this room there is a collection of storage sheds and toilets for
When can I visit The Indonesian Pos Museum?
The Indonesian Pos Museum is opened for public from Monday –
Friday at 09.00 AM – 16.00 PM, and when Saturday will open at 09.00 AM – 13.00
PM. In Sunday and Holiday National Indonesian Pos Museum is closed
Where can I get more information about Indonesian Pos
Contact by phone in (022) 4206195 Ext. 153. Or Fax (022)
4206847 , and also by email /
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