Tebing Kraton in Bandung

Tebing Keraton Tourism is still a series of attractions of the Great Forest Park Ir. Djuanda. From the Keraton Cliff there are green plants around it. There is a three-story monitoring tower that makes it easy to see the sights. Then there is a special place to look down on the cliffs of the Palace, from this place the wind blows violently to blow away the feeling of heat and fatigue that is felt. That day the sun was overhead, stinging the skin. Hot.

Keep in mind when traveling to Ir Djuanda Forest Park (Tahura Djuanda) one ticket is biased to visit several objects at once, such as the Monument Ir. H. Djuanda, Curug Dago, Museum Ir. H. Djuanda, Out Band, Japanese Goa, Dutch Goa, Omas Waterfall, Deer Breeding, Koleng Waterfall, and Tebing Keraton.

The journey to Tebing Keraton is not easy first of all find your way to Tahura Djuanda. After from there, take the road up from the parking lot there. Later you meet the T-junction, take the right hand road. Just follow that path. When I went there the road was still on a dirt road and some of the roads began to be repaired. Amazingly challenging the road there with uphill terrain and turning. From the right side of the road there are empty lands without plants covering the area of ​​the eye looking to the right. Seeing it, unfortunately there is also empty land without plants planted there. Yes, the rain has not fallen for a long time, plants need water to live. It was October.

It's great to go to Tebing Keraton with only the Obwis Tahura Djuanda ticket. The ticket price is Rp. 15,000, fifteen thousand rupiahs only for 10 different tourism objects. Ticket prices are cheap, aren't they?

When in the Kering Tembing do not miss reading the writing that is full of deep meaning written on a monument. The message given to us humans is all, like this writing

Tebing Karaton,
Gerbang surgawi masal lalu, 
Masa kini dan masa depan

Di tatan Pasundan,
Tuhan Pengasih menitipkan cahaya inta-Nya
Ke tangan kokoh manusia Pasundan
Sang pemelihara ingatan leluhur
Dan pelestari kebudayaan

Di Tebing Karaton,
Kehidupan dirayakan,
Persaudaraan ditinggikan
Dan cinta disemaikan
Di urat-urat sejarah Gawir Jontor

Di Tebing Karaton, 
Semua kalbu menembangkan
Kidung surgawi masa lalu,
Masa kini dan masa depan

Untuk Pasundan
Indonesia dan Dunia

Untuk kita : Manusia

Beautiful words are arranged to describe the beauty of God's creation, the Creator, the Cliff of the Palace. Little do I understand the meaning of the words written but I feel the deep meaning in each word.

After I visited the Tebing Keraton, I felt that humans really had to be grateful for God's grace and maintain the preservation of ancestral culture. Besides that, I still don't know what the meaning of the word "in the veins of Gawir Jontor's history" means, if the reader knows, please let me know.

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